Friday, October 22, 2010

Haunted Places of Kolkata

Like every other densely populated old cities of the country, Kolkata has its own share of haunted places. Old buildings and heritage sites that has been in this city for a while and has haunted past, are scattered all over. Some people say its all made up, some believe them from the core of their hearts while some try to find rationality among the widely spread stories.

The National Library – Alipur

This one is probably the most famous of all the haunted spots in the city. There are a few stories around this complex probably due to the mammoth size of the building or the huge piece of land this building acquires. Out of these stories, two are the most famous versions that are listed here. In early nineties, the British Government had ordered a renovation of the old block and construction of a new complex. It was during this renovation that as many as twelve labours lost their lives in an accident at the site. It is said that even to this day, the spirits of those workers lurks inside the new complex during the darker hours. In another version of the story, it is believed that during the same period there was an English grad student of a reputed college of the city who visited the Library in search of study material. He met with an accident and died at the gates of the library after one such visit of his to this great building. During his last days at the library, he was studying some letters of the Victorian era which was stacked in an obscure corner of the main library building. It is believed that the spirit of this young Bengali student visits the library during odd hours to complete his research paper. Some of the people who have noticed such paranormal existence would testify with the details of how they have seen letters all scattered on the desks when the library gates open at 10am in the morning or even how construction issues arise inside the complex and how they are miraculously solved in some moments. There are eyewitnesses who say that they have heard footsteps of former Lieutenant Governor of Bengal, who used to reside in the same building.

The Royal Calcutta Turf Club – The Race Course

This is a story of mid 1930s of a race maniac called George Williams who loved his horses more than his family and his job at the secretariat. He had as many as 5 horses, out of which his most famous and dearest was a pearl white horse called Pride. Pride was rightly named as she won a few tough races, fame and money for her master. Williams used to spend most of his time in his stable at the race course complex and mostly with his piece of pride. With age, came some complications in the health of Pride and she no longer was the queen of the tracks. Her last race was the Annual Calcutta Derby where she lost the race and Williams lost a lot of fortune. She was found dead the next morning on the tracks with bullet injuries. Though the sources close to Williams and the RCTC had reportedly admitted that she was killed as per the traditions of killing a horse when she is aged and not well, there is another version which states that Williams, in a drunken state, had killed the horse out of sheer frustration. Even as the entire Turf racing fraternity mourned the loss of such a beauty on the tracks, the spirit of Pride is still believed to be seen on the green patch during late nights of Saturdays. Some witnesses have said that they have seen a patch of white fog gushing past the tracks giving an impression of Pride. Mystery or myth, Pride remains alive in the stories of her existence, even as today’s Kolkata remembers her as the “William shaheb er shada Ghoda

South Park Street Cemetery – Park Street

Perhaps every Kolkata guy has experienced the night life of Park Street. A few, however, has experienced the late night life there. The primitive name of this famous residential cum office area is Burial Road, primarily because of the existence of South Park Street Cemetery. Many of us

confuse this old address with the Mullick Bazaar Cemetery. But still this old burial place, built in 1767, remains in the shadows of the new age High rise buildings and flashy lights. The entry to this place gives you an eerie experience right from the big iron gates to the marble stone studded lanes that take you through the rows of graves bearing British names. Stories of other-worldly figures lingering inside the campus, has been doing rounds for many years. No specific person could be identified as the spirit. Sources and eyewitnesses confirm white fog of humanly figure has been spotted regularly at the grounds, in the early mornings and late evenings. People residing in the adjacent buildings prefer to keep their cemetery-faced windows closed most of the time.

Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station – Mudiali

The other name in which The Kolkata Metro is famous is “Paradise of Suicide”. It is a commonly known death trap with 4000 Volts of current running in the famed third line (a third rail that runs parallel to the tracks and is a little elevated on de-conductors and is usually covered with a wooden plank). Shockingly, around 70% of all people who have lost their lives in the tracks of Metro have committed suicide at Rabindra Sarovar Metro Station. There are stories of how people, travelling to the station in the last metro which reaches the station at around 10:30pm, found some eerie images of figures vanishing in a fraction of second. There are even rumours of shadows moving on the platform on late evenings.

The Writers Building - BBD Bag

The present Writers' Building in Calcutta was first started as early as 1690. Within the periphery of the old fort, the junior writers or clerks of the East India Company used to stay in mud hovels. So it came to be known as the 'Writers' Building'. On 25th June, 1695, these hovels were destroyed by a tempest. Then, the second Writers' Building was constructed inside the old fort. In 1706, the new one-storeyed brick-built building was built. The other Writers' Building stood at the place where the G.P.O. or Fairly Place stand today.

This building has a haunted past too. It is believed that the spirit of Captain Simpson of British East India Company, who was killed by the famous revolutionaries Binay, Badal & Dinesh, still resides in the building facades. The most notorious part of the mammoth building is probably the fifth block where he was shot. Roadside vendors outside the building have often reported of listening to footsteps and voices from within the building well after the earthly hours. Even the busiest blocks of the power house gets deserted after 7pm.

The Hastings House - Hastings

The old residence of the Governor-General at 20B, Judges Court road has another interesting story to tell.

Stories are that Warren Hastings visits the campus in search of some old papers he had lost. His footsteps could be heard. Also doing the rounds are the story of his infamous wife and children, all of whom had unnatural death within this place, comes often to visit their old residence in horse drawn chariot. Shadowy figures are a common thing that many students of The Women’s College of Calcutta University, which now owns the property, have seen. There are stories about how an young students suffered terrible injuries while playing football. Playing any sorts of sport within the campus has become an unwritten rule for all students now.

The Kolkata Dock – Khidderpur

This place was originally owned by Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of Awadh. After his kingdom was snatched from him by the East Inda Company in 1856, The Nawab took refuge in the area which now holds the Kolkata docks. There are a few eerie stories about the complex. It is believed that the spirit of the Nawab resides here to take revenge on the British Empire. Since Nawab was a fond follower of music, hair rising stories of how classical music being heard also do the rounds.

The National Museum – Chowranghee

The museum was transferred to it’s current location in 1878 with two galleries. Now the gigantic building holds close to sixty galleries of art inside its premises. The place is a well known haunted location of the city. People have heard a lot of sounds made by the traditional anklets worn by women during dance performances. It is believed that the owner of the properties which lies at the residence guards them from thieves. Directors or the organization, past and present, have refuted all these claims.


  1. wow, such a great writing and such a great info. Must have researched a lot on it. Keep up the good work

  2. good job done friend ,continue with your search of more haunted places in kolkata ....amen

  3. well, decided to visit RABINDRA SAROVAR metro station next sunday
    i. e. 12 - 06 - 2011
    let's see whether spirits come in my way

  4. @ sounak did u see or feel anythng??

  5. awesome work.. please post something on the eerie places around kolkata,in the suburbs..

  6. @sounak so tell us have u seen anything at all??is it true or just stories

  7. According to me, all the old places in Kolkata, are related to ghosts or spirits.Because of many reasons, as some of them are closely related to that place, may be the person had died in that place, may be it was the persons favorite place !
    May be ...!!! Anything is possible, because sometimes truth is stranger than fiction !!!

  8. Hello Everyone,

    Lets form a group and visit these Haunted places to find out more about the places. I am particularly interested about South Park Street Cemetery – Park Street. This was there in the Feluda movie

    1. Hey Champ,

      I visited South Park street graveyard..Its a beautiful place..found nothing sud visit it once.

    2. hahahha!go there at night then u will know

    3. arpita u shud visit there at night...dar k age jeet hai.

    4. thet dont allow at night,
      but its realy a beautiful place

  9. I think these are totaly wrong info......especialy "RABINDRA SAROVAR METRO STATION".I have travelled by the last train several times,it comes at 10:15pm sharp at RS METRO STATION.

    1. Did u see any spirit at RS Metro Station....???? At 10;15 pm??

  10. you did not see but you have is not a story.

  11. Well i too return by the last metro every Monday and i board the metro from rabindra sarovar @10.14 to be exact. and believe me friends though the metro station is a bit deserted i myself have walked from one end of the station to the other but fortunately or unfortunately i haven't seen or felt anything!!

    1. same thing bro,its more pathetic here, went there with the hope of finding somthing eerie..
      but i was UNFORTUNATE, dint feel nethng .
      it was winter time so due to fogs the other end of yhe station could nt be seen clearly from one end but nothn eerie .

  12. thanks for the information...............all i want to know is will i be allowed to go to the park street cemetry or lets say national museum
    anyone who can help me with this please do mail me at

  13. Well its a intresting topic if you have time or else its all about westing time nothing else.

  14. people only bliv if these things happen to them.....If we beliv d existence of God den d spirts do exists my frnd......I'm eagerly waiting 2 face such fortunate encounters.......
    keep posting

  15. bekar aktao vut nei. ami sob jaigai majh ratri te gechi.

    1. tmi ga6o????? plz amio jabo..... b@@@l dkte

    2. gelei ki r dekhte paoya jabe

    3. bah bah akta kaj koro amr barite ghor theke sodor dorja porjonto majh ratre jaoar chesta koro :O

    4. jete parle ki hobe ??? @RITU

  16. its a fake news gys........there is no horor thing,,,,,,every time i make feel fool my self...............

  17. nice to see a blog like this...Well friends can u let me know to help me get a BHUTNI Gal friend? any clues? Then please let the Bhutnis know I am interested in them...Send me sms at 9163395713 to let me know where they exist !

  18. mere ek bhutni behen hain.. main use bolunga tujhse dating karne ke liye.. uske baad tu dekh tere kya haal hota hain.........

  19. Dear,

    I believe in spirits, never experienced it. Rabindra Sarovar metro Station , sorry dear. no atma is there.


    1. i stay near rabindra sarovar metro.....nothing is unnatural here....

  20. there is such kind of things and its also exists if someone dont bliv plz visit jorabagan police station u will come to know wethere is there or not.


  21. hi every 1,
    great job done .. i have visit RAVINDRA SAROVER METRO STATION..
    it wass really amezing to realize that yes if u keep concentrating ur eyes in out by running train u can definetly feel something am sure 100% pls my all dearest frnds once u try this experience............

    1. i guess u were drunk or somethng..i visit rabindrasarobar metro very often..neva saw anythng unusal beside my horryfying bustard boyfriend...@hauted stories

    2. hey fucking slut sarmi...before saying anyone bastard please remember that sluts like you exist !

    3. LOL, this is a crazy shit load of stuff haha.

    4. yeah i can seeing nothing just like travelling in time machine in DOREMON :O crazy dumb yeah

  22. hi frnds,
    i have too visited RAVINDRA SAROVER METRO STATION but i have not found anything unusual there, but i have heard from the people of it's whispering past.

  23. these writing seems very interesting for me...
    i hope they are true.after reading these i'm willing to go in these places.

  24. visited indian museum many times... but never felt anything strange...

    1. sorry to say u ms:prapti spirit doesn comes in front of u to say hiii u have to watch every corner every empty places feel feel

  25. Today 2nd of may and with my full consent i am going to visit d south park street graveyard at very evening to xperience d feelings of spirit. Its not a big deal for me but lets see wt wil happen..?

  26. Great Writing and that too very well presented with historical connections. Please keep up your surveys and do let us know some infamous yet haunted places of Kolkata. I've heard our Hazarduari in Murshidabad is haunted too, anyway that doesn't fall within the city range.Great job!

  27. yes guyz honestly tel u there is sumthng in the metro station

  28. hiiii anirudha pls once u try to visit NATIONAL LIBRUARY at alipore u can found somthing there also..........good luck

  29. Hey Anuja, have been following your different posts and I must say you do a great job. Exceptional writing, innovative topics and brilliant pictures. This one on the haunted places in Kolkata was totally spooky! Very well researched too! Keep up the passionate blogging.
    This list here would be of great use to all travel lovers like you. Weekend getaways around Kolkata
    Cheers !!

  30. might this be real...if you want to check then you need to experience by yourself.......jason

  31. this is no fun .i am an sbi employee at the maidan branch (jeevan dip) and has experieced errie feeligs at the maidan station while catcing the last metro somedays. but dont think that ghosts will come and harm you (like in movies).you know the feeling is like somebody is standing beside you or somebody is looking at you.somebody telling that he has seen a ghost is complete bullshit.random passengers dont experience this and mostly people like us who travel to maidan everyday has been the target for the supernatural.i was just on the net tonight and suddenly by chance this site came over while surfing just thought that my experience will thrill some young people like me. so if you are attracted by supernatural make sure that you catch the last metro at maidan station some night and believe me ,your sixth sense will surely warn you about something. and belive me the metro police has also encounterd this things but they always deny this for the sake of the passengers(kids girls and elderly people.

    1. u feel it because u believe in such things.when u r alone in any place u think abt it..dats hw u can feel it..m a junior researcher of supernatural things (on my own) & try to find out what is the actual thing..still dnt get any ans..stay sharp always.if u scared when u r alone, it may b worse or even worst.try to stay calm always.

    2. yup,,something is wright,,if god exists then why not evils??????i belive in spirits

    3. but spirits r not evils if they exist then they juat want to tell us of there presence not to do some evil

  32. c wat i know is like one of the frnd said above : that if God exists then evil spirits or watever name u give do exists...i dnt knw whether these places are haunted or not but i myself done a reasearch (even into it as passion of knwng unknwn)has been gone through details of spirits nd how they work ,whom they is not like dat all spirits are harmful nd blood savy..defntly not !! even spirits will show their existence to persons whose nerve impulses are weaker than is easy fr them to get in touch wth them...spirits shows their images flashes ,eerie moves becoz they demands :help" frm u...wen people commits suicides their desires,longings,wishes remains un fulfilled whch they want to ,but cant becoz they r nt into any body...ya even fearful spirits exists but nt in cities,towns only in vacant areas like sub urbs,where people r nt a reasearcher i knw many writers gt engaged themselves in finding the truth...Ancient Europe nd their people engaed themselves in the worshippng of ghastly,harmful spirits to meet their Hinduism "tantra sadhna" has also a part where spirits are used as servants...we have 7 layered atmosphere ,the highest is unseen nd unreacheable fr normal human beings,the spirits reside their..frm their they try to get in touch wt humans ,as the humans r the priviledged as much closer to God or good spirit..even Abraham lincoln,Bnkim chandra chattopadhyay saw their dead bodies befre taking their last is also knwn,that Rabindranath Tagore used to get in contact wth the spirits of his near ones,especially his daughter and wife....

  33. i do thnk dt ghst exsts......wt abt dt chetla cemetry?????bth god n ghst r dr wd us in ds wrld....

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hey if any of you do really reaserch on ghost plz contact me ..... I need ur help ....
    my mail id .... Its urgent

  36. i did not know the ghost fact of the kolkata .romanchokar.thanks.

  37. This stuff is all but true.Only makes for interesting reading or watching-have you tried watching Supernatural?People love such stories because they are unreal and help us to escape the harsh realities of life-such is the motto of entertainment.In our present day I dont think these stories are anything more than good fiction.The reason I visited this site was well because Dean and Sam seem to be always visiting such sites.Ha ha!

  38. I visited park street cemetery last year on 31st december with my friends and stayed till 4.30pm.It is a place which may bring some kind of thrill in you as its very old place with graves around you.But I have not noticed anything as such.

  39. Love your post Mr C, as for the many sceptic comments I would like to clarify that the stories are all hearsay.. like a folklore, there lies the charm.
    On a more selfish note could anyone send me a link or article or just the name of a place that covers British homes and cantonments during the pre independence era in and around kolkata , Darjeeling. My aim is to find a historical yet secluded place preferably less commonplace and almost unknown. My email id is thanks ,Paro .

  40. Well it will seem funny to many of u but its a face that there r many haunted rooms and building within the sonagachi premisis . Like building 20 and 19 both facing each other have haunted rooms on the 3rd floor . its a fact .

  41. i realy believe that spirits do exists bec i have experianced it on my own.

    1. wat did u xperience? tell me abt it.

    2. i had such experiences as well

  42. Hi Sneha Das,

    Can you tell us about your experience in details?

  43. I'v been a lot of times to Rabindra Sarovar metro station, at different times of the day, ranging from early morning to late night...i have never experienced anything unusual over there, but yeah, at night,or even during a bandh day, when the platforms are almost empty, if u think about the numerous people who have committed suicide there, u do get an eerie feeling...but if u ask me, thats just ur mind playing a trick on u...and as for south park street cemetry, be prepared to experience stuff which u wont be able to explain...for me, that kinda 'stuff' had happened...

  44. I have been to all the above mentioned places except the Writers Building . The spookiest was The South Park Street Cemetery . I have also been to Malikbazaar Burial Ground and to St.John's Church where lies the tomb of Jobus Chernock and Lady Kenning . The name of the Bengali sweet "Lady Keni" has been derived from her name. I am a paranormal investigator and for further info contact me -
    Contact me on facebook -

    1. Hi Swapnil,
      howdy? Will drop u a mail.. Really interested to visit some of these places.. We need a group though, say 4 people, at least?

    2. i hv been to a few places myself and would like to explore more places with a few more team members needed

  45. Jatin Das Metro is also haunted. I felt some eerie stuff once at night! Do not take the last metro or you will regret it in JD park. I saw an old lady in white in the last booth of the metro. Believe me it is haunted.

  46. I have visited most of the aforesaid places however there was nothing as such. :et me know frnds if you know about any other places which is believed to be haunted. I want real incident and places.

  47. wat did u xperience? tell me abt it.

  48. Great post! I’ve been trying all the above advice and, little by little, it seems to work!
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  49. i m indra ,,,,,,,,,,,,believ in sprit,,,, i visited those place bbb but very sorry cannot find spritttttttttt

  50. Well,u can even now taste the spiritual feelings at New Secretariat Buildings on the floors of above 9th floor to 11th floor. Usually, the floors are now well protected by Police authority, as for instance several suicide cases were occurred on 11th floor-A-block, 9th floor-A block, 6th floor-A block/B-block very recently ! But if you enquire boldly you would find nothing, but better talk to the senior Caretaker staffs who lock the doors after late evening hours finds always troubles in almost every weeks, many of them saw automatic bathroom water falls in basins .......... oftenly saw one young lady with skirts typing on typwritters in dark room when the doors are well locked from outside. Except those events we feel some evils existance & they stays there in every deserted corridors..........which are impossible to proove. We are senior workers for more than 30 years in the same buildings, we never saw the spirits but their existance are well prooved.

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  52. I have heard these stories earlier too...considering the history of the city of Kolkata, these facts may not be that unreal.... the city has been a witness to lots of horrors and mysteries over the last 300 years or nobody can surely claim that there is no paranormal activity going on. Even modern structures are said to be haunted. Does anybody know about the WIPRO building in sector V? Its top floors are said to be full of paranormal activities. I believe in these things as in most cities of the world, these things have been reported. Lets not jump the gun and say haunted places do not exist! There may be a lot behind it.

    1. I used to work there....i guess its A-wing building....the floors to the right and above PWC are closed during night bt still u could go thru the floor to the washroom if u want nd it will give u a thrill to trust.

  53. I visited South Park street Cemetery, I didn't found anything over there, but that day in the night I suffered from tremendous fever... I really don't know the exact reason...

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.


  56. Sir, 1 correction please. Kolkata metro uses a DC traction of 750 volts via third rail. Not 4000 volts. 4000 volts of DC current is enough to melt a third rail. please correct it.

  57. Hey .. we want to see pics too... hehe.. try to make some live acts like live cameras... like we have in AXN tv..

  58. Hey.. I want to go and at least try to experience! but I'm scared of going alone, as i do believe in ghosts.. SO if anybody interested then lets make a team and go for it

  59. @antara sarkar...i m ready to go with u....wen to go..wats the plan....

    1. Hmm... give me your email address..

    2. and one more thing i expect you not to be fake or having weird ideas!

    3. Well....i am to visit place like this and really need a team to go there with me......have visited RS METRO STATION and had bored the last train but i didn't find any thing unusual there.....and have no clue about any other places mentioned above...

  60. yestrdy i hd saw a ghost with white cloth wrapped!!!!!!

    1. where where...I want to see that Ghost,is it look like u or not...

  61. My mother also use to stay in the hostel and i have grown up hearing stories about hastings and even today when i hear the same stories i sumtimes have goosebumps .. my mother and also two friends of her < still in touch > have shared many of their experiences.. there occured many paranormal activities when they used to stay there.. sounds of the hoofs of horses could be heard,, the sound of flowing water could be heard as well.. my mother once was seriously sick,had malaria, and she was bedridden for a long time and that is when she faced the trouble as everyone would go from the room for something or the other during daytime and she had to stay alone and she spent sleepless nights during that time .. she felt the shoes of her room mate coming towards her,the sounds were loud and specific enough for her to understand that the sound was of the shoes.when she opened the eyes everythng was normal.initially she had serious troubles with this and they used to spend nights with the lights of the rooms on.but later she became strong enough and probably that has made my mother so strong that later in life nothing could scare her cz she believed that this causes no harm.they tell u abt their existance.recently she spent nights in my grandfather's house alone after just 1 week of his death.her list of bravery in this context will get out of words if i start writing.. ultimate conclusion : THE STORY OF HASTINGS IS 100000000% TRUE .. MY MOTHER FACED IT

  62. thats very a student of irhs i would like to see ghost or i want to feel them.but every time when i tried i was faild.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I hope that the ghosts are not scared of us ... Because I think that the human beings are more dangerous than the ghosts ... Why don't they attack the rapists and the politicians rather than moving around in the buildings and metro stations aimlessly ... I'm really angry with them ... They should do something purposeful rather than moving around meaninglessly in the buildings and stations for years ... If God is not ready to help us,at least ghosts should do something. I hope that they'll not take any revenge for making comments on them ... Can anyone tell me which kind of ghosts are the most dangerous

  66. yes, i want to knw the truth behind all this? so make group n visit that place....

  67. if any body interested just send me a mail:- min-4 person n max-12 person should be in a group...

    1. @dwaipayan: i am ready dude to feel there anyone else apart from 2 of us

    2. I am ready, mail me! btw, I am a digital security researcher; but interested candidate for paranormal activities! mail:

  68. i think these are romours to fear the public for that they never want to go there in nights...when whole city in deep sleep.....expect some cases he had dicussed on his research...its my opinion totally...

  69. if wana experiance something then visit bhangarh fort alwar

  70. The Rabindra Srobar Metro has a series of irri stories. The Last metro riders often feel somebody standing very near to them. tTypically when the last metro at 10:14 enters if u stand near the line a felling that some body is just behind you and about to push you has been experienced. For the story of the lady in white boarding at Jatin Das Park and getting down at Rabindra Sarobar and finally disappearing in the staircase leading to Tolligaunge Rly Station, I am not positive. Ghosts are not that easily experienced I think. Any body been at 1-Garstin Place at night?

  71. faith by defination is always blind.
    we urbanites are so sunk in our worldly wants that we think desires allthe time and are disconnected with nature.yes!!! there are haunting when we become aware of the nature and surronding at large we do enconter such phenemenon. yes i hv seen it once in north calcutta.those who deny it they must think that while returning via last metro an't there mind was preoccupied with 1.tommorow's schedule, politics, 3.girl freind etc etc

  72. its true i have seen a ghost very close to my eyesight.
    esplanade metro station.

    really horrible face


    ooohhhhhh my goooddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

  73. Dear All,

    Thank you so much for your views! For people who feel that this article is pure crap, please understand that I myself has not seen anything in these location. Having said that, these are popular haunted locations where a lot my friends and acquaintances have faced situations. However, I have been to all the above locations and a few more and have not felt like that, yet, I have felt a certain eerie situations at a few places. My article here is basically on my studies that include a lot of eye witness' account and few on basis of stories circulating in the people who work in this field!

    I earnestly thank you all for your feedback. Keep posting such comments to improve my work. Guess this might motivate me in posting more interesting topics!!!

    Sayantan C

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  75. bekar postei manushe bhoot dkhe nilo...sobai bolei jabe ami dkhbo or ami dkhechi..... fattu

  76. Well Rabinder Sarovar metro station is not haunted atall. :) I have lived next to Rabinder Sarovar and have used and walked past this metro station late in the night. At around 2 am also but never did I feel anything spooky. So I dont agree. Even delhi has metro stations where alot of people have committed suicides but that cant be enough to name them haunted.

  77. Kolkata has been nicknamed the City of Palaces and also the City of Joy. City of Palaces comes from the numerous palatial mansions built all over the city and City of Joy comes from the lively and friendly and loving behavior of all the citizens all over the places making the city more lively and enjoyable. Very nice and informative post about Kolkatta. It it very nice place to have real estate properties.

  78. hey Great blog with rich information.
    We would love to hear more about your posts so please keep sharing with us.
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  79. d park street cemetry one is real..its creepy..hav felt strange vibes everytime i visited dat place

  80. I been have staying in kolkata from past 5 months. and looking from the condition of the city ghosts have a freehold here.
    The whole city belongs to them, why just corner out few places

  81. Remarkable to get a post where every single line is unfolding about the detailed information that i was searching for. Thanks and keep sharing such useful updates with all.

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  82. On every usual working day of the week, I have to travel over many of these places: including the Rabindra Sarobar Metro station, Park St., Hastings, Writers etc.

    My life is in serious risk ya think?

    1. they wont hurt you.. usually they dont hurt people.. ur life is perfectly safe dude. ;)

  83. he he .. you people really want to c bhoot ?? then stop searching it in kolkata ..go to kolyani .. there is a abandoned field ( no 1 visits per I saw) its just near the rail station may find sum thing unusual ..believe me I ve d experience .. though its 4 yrs ago ..

  84. You should really filter your comments

  85. Great post! And amazing research and info. I especially like the second image of the cemetery! Hope to read more of such informational stuff! :)

  86. @shreyasi biswas : Can you give me the address South Park Street Cemetery. I am so excited and want to visit this place.

  87. I read all.I don,t believe in ghost but dont go to argue with the soies given above because there are many things which is unbelievable but it happens and science is unable to explain that.

  88. The places I have read here..I think its all are fake..
    But It is true that they exist.They are moving with us.You can feel it If you want.
    1st time I also thought that Its all are fake.
    Ghost???? Ahhh mannn its impossible..

    I told that to one of my colleague.I astonished he told me "I want to try to see them..but you know how to see them?"
    --No,I am trying to find it.
    And after my office hours we two tried a lot.
    read many different types of books,visited many houses,temples..
    But we failed.we thought that it is wasted of time.
    suddenly a miracle happened.And finally got a path to find them.
    Its long story how we find the path..
    We decide to see a girl....She was murdered by her boyfriend.I knew her.

    One sunday night we have tried this one And we got the successful result.We have the record.I am a software engineer.Now I am designing a new website about all the paranormal things and also the miracle things happening around us. where you can know and talk all about the things.We will proof all those scientifically.
    Thank you...

    1. Is your site up yet?
      I have some experiences in different places.
      This subject is called spiritism and Swami Abhedananda warned against any kind of it's practice.

  89. Hello Guys,

    There is nothing called GHOST Demons etc. Its all in the head. The main reason is the EMF which is most prominent in this places.

    I can guarantee that if you go to this hot spots with a EMF detector you will be astonished with the ratings.

    If there is anyone who can guarantee me to show something out of this world, please mail me @

    I would be really eager to experience this once for real.


  90. Hey can any 1 join me to find the truth of these stories ??
    here is my id

  91. Everyone says Bhangarh Fort in Rajasthan is "HAUNTED"... Is it True?? Did anyone visited there??

  92. Need to know more about those place...

  93. Yes Ms. RESHMA DASGUPTA its hunted.
    I dont belive in ghost but still I vesited that place wid my few frands and some thing happed and which is not.... so do I agree that this place is full of negative vive...

  94. I visited the Park Street Cemetery along with three of my friends at noon and stayed there for a couple of hours but there is no ghost. The place is very scary and I bet no one can go there at night. It has got huge trees and shrubs and snakes. I talked to one of the people working there and asked him if he had seen any ghost. He replied " I've been working here from 1975 and there is no ghost here because the soul of a person can stay at one place continuously for 12 years and these graves are over 200 years old." But a funny thing happened which is really weird. I tied my shoelace keeping my feet on one of the tombstones and somehow I cut my finger at that instant and bled which I didn't tell my friends. Another incident occurred with my friend. He wears many amulets which we call 'maduli' in Bengali on his neck and waist which automatically got torn off and fell to the ground. Its really weird because they weren't loose or something but somehow it happened. Lastly when we were returning home late at night after watching a movie and dinner my friend's foot got stuck in the metro door and he would've been killed had we not saved him in time. He also stood on a tombstone.

  95. Rabinda Sarobar metro really have something. I didn't know about that place before reading this article. But now i would like to share one of my feelings there. It was late night around 9.45 pm and the last train from dumdum.
    I was the only person who stepped rabindro sarobar. While I was talking towards Essclator i sense somebody walking towards me.But i was alone.As somebody is hiding behind those bars.but nobody was there. Thats all i sensed.All I can say due to my job profile(late night shift) i walked alone many times but never have such feelings before


    List of more haunted houses in India..send me ghost story, real experience, haunted house place from any country with your small image. I will publish into my blog

  97. oh she is quite right, and so is the man who wrote this blog......i have actually experienced such things in a couple of the afforementioned places as well.....

  98. Many Times Been to the Rabindra Sarobar Metro Station and boarded the last train..Sometimes am the last person in the station..It must feel deserted but no ghosts...Nope!!!!

  99. Hi,

    I have studied all the comments stated above. Well, ghosts...whats ghosts? The definition? Can anyone help?
    I have studied this subject well. There are no scientific evidence that approves existence of something called ghosts. However, since time immemorial, across all countries in the world and across all cultures and religions around the world the concept of Ghost remains. Had there been absolutely nothing then this concept wouldn't have come in existence. There are something which needs serious study. Over last few decades there has been photographers who have tried to capture images of ghosts. Taking into account All that comes out from this centuries of literature from various religion, cultures, countries and researches i would like to define ghosts as -

    " A mass of energy which has intelligence to act and is limited to 1-2 senses (vision and additional voice in certain cases), which are generally non light reflective (and therefore non visible), however, due to changes in earths magnetic forces and geological forces or due to impacts from cosmic energies becomes partially visible. These are not equivalent to a dead man's soul but are just forms of energy which are in the midst of changing form. "
    A person's / animal's mental thoughts if developed are a strong source of energy waves. Ghost's are nothing but these mental waves that continue to hold on as a consolidated energy object even after the original body of the person has been destroyed. These can only be reoriented towards another form of energy but cannot be destroyed as per law of physics. Energy remains and will remain, only way to tackle with these objects is to change their forms by application of outside energy.


  100. Truly nice collection and great article.
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  101. The haunted places are believed to have been occupied by the spirits of the dead people. And it is also said to be that most of these places would be connected somewhere to those spirits.

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  105. Have any proof?? To all paranormal activity...without proof i can't support to be a Haunted place above all.

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  112. Nice and spooky post on haunted places in Kolkata. There are many stories of haunted places in India and there are many stories of haunted train stations in India. Localites have many versions of stories related to paranormal activities.

  113. Mumbai has a large number of haunted places and their real horror stories that will send shivers down your spine.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

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